Hi Dudes,
At present it is a beta version.
With 3 months continues effort, I have developed this script for creating automated biped rig based on curves vertex positioning, in Python scripting (PyMel also used. Thanks for PyMel for it's simplicity and Object oriented programming).
At present it is a beta version.
With 3 months continues effort, I have developed this script for creating automated biped rig based on curves vertex positioning, in Python scripting (PyMel also used. Thanks for PyMel for it's simplicity and Object oriented programming).
Tested this script under various conditions. But still if there are any bugs, Please let me know.
Location for as_EasyRigMain:
Copy the as_EasyRigMain.pyc to the following location:
C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\maya\scripts
For using this as_EasyRig, one need to install PyMEL also:
Pymel Installation Procedure:
1. Copy the folder named pymel after unzipping to this path:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\maya\scripts
Ex: C:\Documents and Settings\Subbu\My Documents\maya\scripts
Note: (Check for your maya installation path, Above is sample only)
2. Open file :- C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\maya\2009(Version)\Maya.env
Add this line and Save:
PYTHONPATH = C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\maya\scripts\pymel
Note: (Check for your maya installation path, Above is sample only)
3. User Variables:
A) Right click on My Computer, Click Properties, and Go to Advanced tab and press Environment Variables.
Environment Variables window will appear, Then click 'New' in User Variables area. After adding below details press 'Save' or 'OK'.
Variable Name: PYTHONPATH
Variable Value: C:\Programfiles\Autodesk\Maya2009(Version)\Python\lib\site_pakages;C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\maya\scripts\pymel
Note: (Check for your maya installation path, Above is sample only. There should not be gap after semi colon)
B) Right click on My Computer, Click Properties, and Goto Advanced tab and press Environment Variables.
Environment Variables window will appear, Then click 'New' in User Variables area. After adding below details press 'Save' or 'OK'.
Variable Name: MAYA_LOCATION
Variable Value: C:\Programfiles\Autodesk\Maya2009;
Note: (Check for your maya installation path, Above is sample only)
4. Install ActivePython-2.5.1 for pymel support. It is for Maya 2009 or 2008 only.
Copy the below commands and run from script Editor (Python Tab):
from as_EasyRigMain import *
Usage of as_EasyRig:
At present test rig with:
1. Sample_Rig --> Create Curves
2. Adjust curves as per your requirement without adding or deleting the vertexes
3. Sample_Rig --> Create Sample Rig (Sample means final rig will be created based on curves)
More documentation or Usage video will be given soon
Options Available at Present:
1. IKFK Switching
2. Spline IK for Spine
3. Reverse foot -Advanced
4. Set Pose (i.e SP letters on Head Control) for default position (To be activated in Expression Editor)
5. Cluster based controls. (Make cluster controls easily with mirroring option)
--For creating cluster based controls, First create rivet by selecting 2 edges.
--Select some vertexes near by the rivet, Create cluster based control.
6. Control color options
Future Additions:
7. Eyes Rigging
8. IKFK Snapping
9. Forearm Twist
10. Right click options for various controls
11. Stretch N Squash for Hands
12. Stretch N Squash for Spine
Password is: subbu118 (Now Password is removed / not required)
If any doubts please contact at subbu.add@gmail.com or mobile no: +919949005359
thanks for sharring your character rig.
I get that python is an awesome language and i use python almost daily, but why would you make this in python and not have it cross platform compatible? That's the beauty of python.
its showing Bad magic number error..
how to solve it
it is showing Bad magic number error, how to solve it?
Hi Ashoo,
It works only on 2009. If you use more than one maya version, then the problem 'bad magic number' will come. For that you need to add environmental variables as shown in documentation. Shortly am releasing for 2011 and 2012 versions also. They don't need any environmental variables.
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